S3EP5. First Stop: Kigali

Episode Summary

S3EP5. First Stop: Kigali. This episode is a reflection on the first stop of my pan-african tour of Summer 2022. Kigali’s breeze and moderate climate welcomes you to enjoy your time here, just like the people. The people I’ve come across are welcoming and friendly and my favorite statement when I ask for something is “it’s possible”. And boy does Rwanda exemplify that! There is this phrase at the genocide memorial: “kwibuka: remember-unite-renew” and everywhere you go in Kigali the greenery + cleanliness is one example that they are committed to rebuilding responsibily and sustainably. The peace you feel is psychological & literal - within a few days I felt so comfortable and i’m so sad to have left. What I’ve gained from Kigali is an importance to tell your stories, keep a footprint of history and to strategically craft your future; You do not have to be a victim of your past. Murakoze Kigali til we meet again ✨